Tuesday, April 24, 2012

618 Music Festival

April 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Media, Music


It is time to party with Pixie & Buck, formerly known as Power-Plant Productions, again this summer in their upcoming event– 618fest! These guys are bringing you another fun filled night of music and great times at the Great Plaza, Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia. The list of artists, who are performing at 618fest, consist of The Cataracs, Switch of Major Lazer, Shwayze, Porter Robinson, Autoerotique, Jokes of The Scene, Tayyib Ali and more! Ticketing info will be released on May 1st, make sure you are the first one to purchase these tickets. More information on 618fest will come from boxofmess.com and the 618fest website. Stay tuned for more information for this BIG event.

Until then, join the Fan Page and Fan Page for more info



The Cataracs

Switch of Major Lazer (Major Lazer)
Porter Robinson
Jokers of The Scene
Tayyib Ali

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