Kansas Unite: Kansas Assistant Coach Townsend Talks About Thomas Robinson
June 28, 2012 by Erin Ashley
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By Erin Ashley Adversity can make or break you but it can also heal and revive the very soul within you. Former Kansas Forward Thomas Robinson did not let the challenges of life break him but instead, it has transformed him into the elite basketball player and modest man he is today. Kansas Men’s [...]
Alex Poythress Takes On Many Jobs
June 7, 2012 by Erin Ashley
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by Erin Ashley Simon When we think of high caliber athletes, we believe that these athletes have no time for anything except school and the sport in which they excel. Stellar athletes are as dedicated to their sporting craft, as if it were a high profile job– of course minus the big pay check. [...]
Glare Novice Emerges on The Scene with a New Interactive Website
May 22, 2012 by Erin Ashley
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New 17 year old multi-talented Hip/Pop artists Glare Novice debuts his New Single, New Look, and so much more on his interactive site www.glarenovice.com The entertainment industry has been asking for a breath of fresh air, something new to go against all the normality we have so grown use to. Enter Glare Novice, a 17 [...]
Goodwin’s “decision making” lead him to Lexington
May 21, 2012 by Erin Ashley
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By Erin Ashley Simon The eyes may see what the mind is prepared to comprehend; but the ears cater to the knowledge of our society, or so we think. Perception can be quite deceiving, especially when one is considered highly positioned in the limelight. But in this rise to fame process that these well-known [...]
Part II: Defense Wins Championships
May 7, 2012 by Erin Ashley
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By Erin Ashley Anthony Davis was a one of a kind phenom, a unique talent that only comes around once in a blue moon. He came to the University of Kentucky Men’s Basketball program and shattered all expectations on his way to becoming one of the most decorated freshmen players. From winning the distinguished [...]
The History of Nerlens Noel Hi-Top: The Inspiration, The Beginning and The Trend
May 3, 2012 by Erin Ashley
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By Erin Ashley Now this is the story all about how, Nerlens Noel’s lift got flipped, turned upside down. I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there as I explain how he became the icon of Hi-Top Hair. Well, maybe not the icon of Hi-Top hair, but in a day and age [...]
Amazon: Prayer for a Perfect Season
April 26, 2012 by Erin Ashley
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Prayer for a Perfect Season is finally out! Prayer for a Perfect Season is “ a gripping account of the 2010-11 boys’ basketball season at St. Patrick High School, located in a hardscrabble neighborhood of Elizabeth, NJ. This feature-length documentary chronicles the extraordinary effort of coach Kevin Boyle, his players, and their families, whose journey ends [...]
Boxofmess.com’s NFL Mock Draft
April 16, 2012 by Erin Ashley
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By Mark Kern () 1. Indianapolis Colts- Andrew Luck QB Stanford 2. Washington Redskins- Robert Griffin III QB Baylor 3. Minnesota Vikings- Matt Kalil OT USC 4. Cleveland Browns- Trent Richardson RB Alabama 5. Tampa Bay Buccaneers- Morris Claiborne CB LSU 6. St. Louis Rams- Justin Blackmons WR Oklahoma State 7. Jacksonville Jaguars- Michael Floyd [...]
Crusader22 Productions: Nerlens Noel Official Crusader 22 Mixtape; #1 Player in the COUNTRY!!!
April 8, 2012 by Erin Ashley
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Check out Nerlens Noel, the #1 2012 player in the country and his highlight tape made bye Crusader22 Productions! “Nerlens Noel was originally part of the 2012 class but two years ago when he injured a growth plate he decided to reclass to 2013 to heal and get better. after having a dominating fall [...]
Dodgers’ Magic trick means money, not necessarily wins
April 5, 2012 by Erin Ashley
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By Travis Kriens (The Collegian) Everyone was shocked to see the selling price of the Los Angeles Dodgers last week; $2.15 billion. It was over $500 million more than the second highest bid and the most for any sports franchise ever. The most money previously paid for a franchise in the U.S. was $1.1 billion for [...]
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