Friday, June 29, 2012


About BoxofMess

Sounding quite unique and maybe even strange to some at first glance, but once you delve in you will understand just how wonderful Box of M.E.S.S is. Created by then 16 year old high school student-athlete Erin Ashley Simon, as her pandora’s box, with the intent to provide a platform and voice for herself, her classmates and friends to converse about all things pop culture and stuff that interested them most: Music, Entertainment, Sports and Style!

Encouraged by friends, family and fellow blog enthusiasts, and with a lot of hard work and dedication, founder and chief editor, Erin Ashley began the box of mess blog in 2008 as a creative outlet for her to flex her journalistic chops. She always loved telling important stories and writing about things that peeked her interest and made a positive impact in the world. Surprisingly, Erin found an audience who enjoyed reading about what she and her contributing friends had to say and even really liked how they said it.

Starting out with just a few followers, the site has grown exponentially and is evolving into a trusted source of information for a varied audience. In 2010 the blog became Box of Mess Media LLC (BOMM), Not only does Box of Mess Media provide interesting information in innovative ways, but the BOMM is committed to being socially connected with their viewers and are using Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Vimeo and other tools to spread the word.

With over 85,000 exclusive video interview viewings and over one million unique viewers since its inception, continues to grow and evolve into a uniquely innovative media outlet whose primary goals are:

*To provide an objective and honest journalistic platform for budding writers to report on what is going on in music, entertainment, sports and style arenas of media.

*To provide technically advanced connections through leading edge social-media tools to produce salient news, entertainment and musical content for tweens, teens, twenties, thirties and beyond in informative, relevant and artistic ways that capture their interests and attention across a 24 hour media cycle

*To produce authentic and positive national & international interviews, features, stories, journal entries and video vignettes that are socially intriguing and morally relevant

*To raise awareness about global, national and local natural disasters, humanitarian relief efforts and philanthropic causes that deserve attention so we may impact positive social change and make a difference in the world one charitable fund raiser at time!

*To continue to grow the site into a mature, eclectic, innovative media subscription service that reaches the masses, acquires corporate sponsorship and inspires altruistic and philanthropic giving.

So join the boxofmess fan club and be sure to spread the word if you like what you see. Tell your friends to join us on the Boxofmess facebook fanpage and be sure to follow us on Twitter at ErinAshleyBM. Also feel free to share your thoughts and ideas about what can make the site better at because we do this with all of you in mind.