Mixtape: The Rat Packt
July 17, 2012 by Erin Ashley
Filed under Entertainment
Check out The Rat Packt’s newest mixtape on hotnewhiphop.com. This group, who’s three letters stand for Rebels Aspiring Truth, represent those who do not believe in everything that they have been told or seen. Living by the motto “Life We Chose”, the Rat Packt believes that everyone and anyone should choose their destiny and life.
This young group consists of Johnny Quest, Ruff and Cheek, three college students representing Trenton, New Jersey.
Cheek and Johnny Quest have been making music together since they met in seventh grade. Cheek and Quest finally met up with Ruff in their Freshmen year of High School.
Since then, these three members continue to pursue their passion while using the knowledge that life has bestowed upon them. Through life’s inspiration and knowledge, these lyricists show only a glimpse of what has yet to come in the eyes of the R.ebel A.spring T.ruth.
Mixtape: http://www.hotnewhiphop.com/the-r-a-t-packt-the-rat-packt-adventure-mixtape.59086.html