Editorial Piece: Casey Anthony Trial
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I disagree with the state of Florida. Casey Anthony killed her daughter. There is no doubt in my mind of that FACT. She got away with murdering her daughter, Caylee. And what sealed it for me was no piece of evidence. When the jury read their verdict, the parents of Casey simply showed no emotion, no sense of victory that their daughter had been finally acquitted of a heinous crime she did not commit. They simply listened to the verdict, and walked out. That had me convinced that, once and for all, Casey killed her daughter, and then her and her family covered it up well enough to earn themselves a “not guilty” verdict in a court of law.
Off the top of my head, I can think of four trials that dominated the media coverage of news agencies such as CNN and FOX News: The O.J. Simpson murder trial, the Michael Jackson molestation case, the Scott Peterson double-murder case, and then the Casey Anthony murder trial. There is certainly a pattern with those four trials. Three of the four defendants were found not guilty of all major charges. Only Scott Peterson was found guilty of double-murder, and he is on appeal to the Supreme Court while he sits on death row.
I’m certainly no legal analyst but, to my best knowledge, the reason Simpson, Jackson, and Anthony were found not guilty was because there was no smoking gun in the case. No piece of hard evidence that undoubtedly showed guilt. There was “x”, and there was “y”, but nothing to connect the two.
Casey Anthony, along with Simpson and Jackson, are two things to me. The first thing they are is guilty. The second thing though, is that they are celebrities. Casey Anthony has been a headline for three years. You can picture her face just as clearly as you can some of your closest friends. Who wants to convict, potentially to death, someone you can picture in your head clearly?
She will have to live with the crimes she committed. We know one thing though; she is a liar. She was convicted on four counts of lying to investigators in this case. Kind of ironic that she was found guilty of being a liar, but that sure enough, she didn’t lie about killing her daughter. Either way, I truly believe that the inner turmoil her heart and soul will face for the rest of her life will slowly eat her away. And as a public, we have to live with that being the punishment.
videos thanks to tynerosemedia and ABC News on youtube
- Sean Frye
Dont know how this woman was set free. A poor little girl is dead , murdered by her own family and noone is held responsible. Thank you Box Of Mess.