Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Q&A with Patric Young

June 28, 2010 by Buckets Weekly  
Filed under Sports

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Who is the best player you have ever played against? Why was this player so hard to guard or score against?

Marreese Speights because of his size and athleticism. I couldn’t get to the basket on him

Why did you choose Florida over the other schools that heavily recruited you?

It was my dream school plain and simple.

What player in the NBA do you compare yourself to?

Everywhere I go I get compared to Dwight Howard.

How was it like playing in the McDonald’s All American game?

It was hard man I had to go out there and get my points and rebounds because guards don’t like giving the ball up. However Ray McCallum was probably the best passer on my team though.

Who impressed you the most over the weekend there? Who do you think is the best player in your class?

That’s tough because I really only saw the East team play twice. I will give you my favorite though on the west and east. On the West was Terrance Jones and on the East was Kyrie Irving. The best player in the class I think should be out of Perry Jones and Corey Joseph.

Where do you think you should be ranked?

It’s all politics and rankings aren’t gonna help anyone in college, they don’t matter at all.

How do you workout during the school year?

I have two coaches and lift weights with my dad

What do you like better AAU or school basketball? What AAU team did you play on?

AAU because you don’t have to worry about school work and you can just focus on basketball. I played on the Jacksonville Bulls

What is your strongest characteristic in you being a great player?

My strongest characteristic would be that I’m so passionate and hustle and never take a play off.

Who is your biggest role model?

Jesus Christ.

What do you think you have to get better at in your game?

I think i need to improve my offensive game.

When did you get your first recruitment letter and from whom?

I got my first letter from Jacksonville University my sophomore year

What would you say to kids who want to play D-1 and beyond but can’t get any exposure?

Never give up on your dream because you never know who is out there watching you.

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