Thursday, July 12, 2012

Potholes in My Blog: Music Blog

March 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Media, Sites

Here is another music blog that you guys should consider checking out. I found this site through other music sites, mainly hypem. has quality music and they owners do an excellent job with the reviews for the songs they write about. If you are into Hip-Hop, Jazz, or Electronic music than you will find a plethora of songs on this site that fit your interest and style. Plus, this site has an interesting name that you wouldn’t hear on a daily basis but hey! I guess Box of M.E.S.S. isn’t a common name for a site so… Join the Club! One thing about this site that is different than the other sites that we did write ups on is that it is the setup of Potholes in my Blog is more a blog than a site. So, you will see a common set up for a blog and not be able to click around too much but that is ok! The good thing about it being a blog is that once you enter the site everything is pretty much there, so you don’t have to search around for what you want and you can just enjoy listening to the music!

Here is a short paragraph on their “About” section:

Potholes In My Blog is a reference to the classic track by De La Soul “Potholes In My Lawn” off their debut album 3 Feet High and Rising. The creators of the blog thought it was good play on words. David and Gedi originally connected through in 2006 and decided to start a blog in 2008. The blog features Downloads, Album Reviews, Concert Reviews and other written content updated daily. In terms of music they’ll cover everything ranging from; Hip-Hop, Soul, Jazz, Funk, Alternative & Electronic. They hope to use this platform to discuss new music, provide insight, critique and still have a sense of humour about it all.

If you are an artist who is also looking at getting your name out there, you can also submit your music to them for reviewing. If you are considering it

I got in contact with one of the owners,, and he was able to answer some of the questions that you guys might be interested in. Check out his answers below!

What is the history behind your site?
Back in late 2008, I decided to start a hip-hop blog with my good friend from Okayplayer, (soulsupreme). We were sick of the current state of blogs on the internet and thought we could bring a new perspective to the mix. Back then we didn’t take things too seriously, but we threw some ideas together, came up with a name and began work on the site. Here we are over a year later growing faster then ever and having a great time doing it.

What’s the purpose of the site?
The purpose of Potholes In My Blog is to serve people will endless amounts of good music, no matter what!

What is your mission for the site?
Our mission, I would have to say is bring people the best new music, regardless of how big the artist or how much hype surrounds them. Our job is to sort through all the clutter that some of the bigger blogs push and give you only the best quality of music.

What are somethings that you do for your site?
Along with myself, I share much of the administration with a few other folks. I tend to handle a lot of the music submission posts. I also write a review here and there and hook up a lot of the exclusive downloads that you see.

Because of your site what are some of the things that you’ve accomplished?
Potholes has opened a lot of doors for me. One of my favorite perks is free concerts, I take advantage of that often! I’ve also gotten a few job opportunities that I am currently pursuing through networking that I have done with the site. We also started an artist relations company where we provide our services to such artists as Objektiv One, Mr. J. Medeiros, Panacea, Beats Broke and more. Be on the lookout for some of those releases! I haven’t met too many famous people through the site. Off the top of my head; Pharoahe Monch, Talib Kweli, J Rocc, Exile, Blu, and a few more. I don’t know how famous you would consider them, but definitely some of my idols!

What does your site offer to your viewers?
We like to provide all sorts of music related items on the site. Album reviews, concert reviews, free downloads, opinionated columns and more!

What are some plans that you have for the future that you want to accomplish
I definitely want to take Potholes to the next level within the coming months. New site design, exclusive projects, etc. I am looking to push some of our artists heavily this year with new projects and live shows. Other than that I can’t think of anything in specific. Definitely looking to gain a heavy presence in the music industry though!

Below is an example of the kind of music that these guys love and write about it. If you are still interested in the site, go visit . Enjoy the music and the rest of the blog!

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